I am back and prepared for a makeup contest.I was thinking to do another giveaway and let random.org choose but then I figured so many of you are so talented and maybe this time I'll organise a contest.
The rules are simple ,you makeup yourself up in the spirit of CANDY ,that's the theme for the contest:)
You can do a full face of makeup ,meaning paintings on the face or you can simply do your makeup in the spirit of the theme but keep it wearable.It's up to you :)
I would also like to see an inspiration photo of the candy you choose(M&M ,Mars ,Chocolate,Lollipops and all that jazz)
You can enter as many times as you want.To enter you just have to send me an email at
black_road17@yahoo.com with your pics and the inspiration photo and maybe a few words on why you chose that particular type of candy(this is not obligatory).
I would like to see a full face pic and some with your eyes or if you choose to accent the lips with that.I am looking for something creative not photoshop skills so no editing ,por favor :D
In the subject box ,when you send the email ,please write makeup contest so that I don't skip any email :)
Oh and if you could spread the word regarding this contest meaning a blog post about it (if you have one) that would be just peachy:)
Sadly I only have one prize to give and it is made up of this :
Hope you like the theme and the prize and the more the merrier (in terms of people participating)
Deadline: 23rd of February
Open to Romania only:(sorry
buna,te urmaresc pe GFC cu numele de ciufulicious,iar aici am pus despre concurs : http://ciufulicious.blogspot.com/2011/02/makeup-contest.html
RăspundețiȘtergereti-am trimis si un e-mail cu machiaju pe care l-am facut,si din greseala ti l-am trimis cu numele de GIVEAWAY nu cu Make up contest cum ai zis tu :D,sper sa nu fie o problema
@Ciufulicious-hey:* am primit mail-ul :) nu e nicio problema ca ai pus giveaway in the subject box:) mersi mult ca ai postat :*
RăspundețiȘtergereHey :D! Imi place tare mult culoarea parului tau si cum se vede in poze. Te faci la un salon sau acasa? Daca acasa, cu ce :D:D?
RăspundețiȘtergereTe urmaresc prin GFC cu numele de Matzzzza
Postarea mea aici: http://matzzzza.blogspot.com/2011/02/giveaway_3058.html
Am si eu un mic giveaway.Esti invitata!
Pozele o sa ti le trimit maine cand voi putea descarca pozele.
Mi sono iscritta, se vuoi ricambia l'iscrizione!
I signed up, returns the entry if you want!
Buna! Imi pare rau,pozele nu le pot descarca decat saptamana aceasta care vine..mii de scuze,ti le voi trimite prin e-mail.
RăspundețiȘtergere@ Matzzza :Nu-i problema ,oricum am extins putin concursul :)
RăspundețiȘtergeream scris si eu despre concurs pe blog. ai primit mailul meu?
RăspundețiȘtergereM-am inscris si eu :) sper sa nu fie prea tarziu, ti-am trimis mail cu make-up-ul meu (mada_3187@yahoo.com)
RăspundețiȘtergereBafta tuturor :*
@A.M. Hey :) scuze ca n-am raspuns la mail ,dap am primit mail-ul :) mersi mult de participare :)pupici