Even though it may seem like a Halloween makeup it is 100% real.This shit happens everyday here in Romania.All you have to do is take a step outside of the comfort of your own home and you will find specimens like these.They make us all cringe and cry a little inside when we see them.
They're easily recognizable by their pink (or variations of) outfits ,their high-pitched voices and fake tan.Whatever season ,they look like they just came back from the beach(and not in a good way).Who cares about skin cancer when you look positively ''radiant'' and roasted like a tiny,little Oompa Loompa?
Please don't judge me or my willing cousin,Ana.We're just trying to adapt to the trends.
I hereby give you ''Danyela"my cousin's alter ego in which makeup boundaries DO NOT exist.
Please note that this is a JOKE and we by no means like or even bear the sight of this kind of makeup.I have no sympathy for people like these:D
Ok so now onto the makeup:
We have here a very common ,''natural'' daytime look.It's perfectly acceptable to wear this in society and no one will stare at you.And if they do it's because you are so unbelievably pretty;;)
Some rules of pitzi makeup:
- wear a darker foundation than your skin tone and do not take it down the neck.
- wear heavy looking foundation because natural beauty is so overrated.
- make sure your eyebrows are dark and up to the skyyyyy.You want to look like they're trying to get to your hairline ,like that's heaven for them.This will ensure you look full of expression and curiosity all the TIMEEE.
- wear dark eye makeup because bare eyes are a sore to the sight.
- put on toooons of bronzer to accentuate your fried skin.no one can rock the pale look.it's too ....dare I say it ...normal:|
- put on a darker lipliner than your lipstick and make sure that it's over your natural lipline.Full lips for the win :D
- and finally , make sure your lips are practically soaking in lipgloss so that your lips look ''luscious'' and more importantly fake and botoxy.
And forget diamonds as your best friend.Meet your new and improved one:Mister GLITTER.It gets everywhere so that you always look like a shining ,bright STAR.
OH and this is very important: when you pose ,don't just smile! POUT them lips to the fullest and this will ensure that all attention in the picture is on your pretty little face and not on someone else.
Enough with the fun because it's time to set Ana free of her pitzi makeup.
Bye bye ,lovely eyebrows:(
Starting to look normal:)
Farewell ,luscious lips:((
And we're back to normality:D Yeeeey
I just want to give a big thanks to Ana for being a trouper in this one 'cause I kind of tortured her in the process.So thanks hon:* :*
Hope you guys found this amusing:)
Disclaimer :NO normal people were harmed in this process.
hahaha, loved it! :D Chiar m-a amuzat si ai surprins efectul pitzi perfect!
RăspundețiȘtergere@Diana: Ma bucur ca te-a amuzat :D
RăspundețiȘtergereGenial! Am ras cu pofta. Thanks for the good evening that just got better!
RăspundețiȘtergereCa sa fie machiaj de pitzi 100% mai trebuia sa pui 4 straturi de fond de ten. L-ai blenduit prea bine:)) Ana
RăspundețiȘtergereDoar atat spun: nebunie! Mi-a placut,fain!
RăspundețiȘtergereMama, ce frumoasa e naturala :)
RăspundețiȘtergereMa bucur ca v-a placut fetelor:) eu sincer nu pot le suport pe pitzi de-asta am facut un fel de satira la adresa lor :))
RăspundețiȘtergereHAHAHAHA "frumos" machiaj :d te invidiez shukaro :D
RăspundețiȘtergeremultumesc pentru comentarile lasate si ii multumesc lui brindi pentru ca a fost de acord cu acest "proiesc"
RăspundețiȘtergerexoxo,"fotomodelu'" :D:*:*
"proiect"* scuze
RăspundețiȘtergereMachiajul primordial pentru toate ratustele pitipoance din ziua de azi. Felicitari artistei pentru reusita machiajului satiric.:D Big Like.