I am beyond happy now as I have received my Dinair Airbrush Kit :X I have wanted this system for about 1 year or so and it's finally mine :X
I have problematic ,oily skin and every foundation I use ends up looking really weird by the fifth hour so I was looking forward to trying this and seeing if it really works better than regular makeup.
I 'm just going to show what I got in the package :)
I chose the Beauty Studio Kit which contains :
- 8 colours
- Airbrush Gun
- Compressor
- Air shadow stencil
- Eyebrow stencils
- Lesson Cd
Afterwards I added :
- 2 shades of Paramedical Foundation
- Blue ,Red ,Yellow,White ,Black Fantasy Colours (to be able to mix and match to create custom colours )
Also ,I just wanted to mention that I managed to persuade someone into getting it for me and ship it here because the shipping to Romania is a nightmare,210 $ just for the shipping which is insane :|
I 'm super happy with my purchase and I must say I consider it an investment :)
I'm going to be back in a day with a FOTD using airbrush makeup:)
Deabia astept pozele!!
RăspundețiȘtergerevreau si euuuuuu...ai dat 210$ pe shipping sau ai gasit undeva mai ieftin? sa il folosesti cu placere oricum :X:X:X
RăspundețiȘtergeresupeeeeeeeeeeer... esti o norocoasa:)
RăspundețiȘtergereI am excited to see your FOTD with this!
RăspundețiȘtergereI would absolutely love to have the money to buy myself one of these ! :)
sa-l folosesti cu placere!
RăspundețiȘtergereomg! that's amazing!! lucky girl!!! I'm looking forward for the FOTD!! I'm sure your gonna look great!
Buna, ai un premiu pe blogul meu :)
RăspundețiȘtergereil foloseti doar pentru tine sau si pentru alte persoane? cam cat timp te ajung flacoanele? de obicei stiu ca 3 ani au produsele in general insa cele lichide cam 6-8 luni de la deschidere.. renteaza?