joi, 7 aprilie 2011

Help Needed in deciding :)

Hey guys! So I'm going to a b-day party Saturday and I've bought a dress and a blazer for this occasion.

 Dress and blazer from Nissa.Oh btw really nice staff at the store in Afi Cotroceni.I must have tried on about a dozen dresses and she was nice and patient and not pushy at all :)First enjoyable shopping experience I've had in a couple of months.Oh and another btw I've got to tell you guys about this really awesome sales person at Sephora Militari.She is amazing!

Buuuut .....I have 3 major concerns regarding it :

1.Is  it too long ? I usually don't even look at dresses that long but I irrevocably fell in love with the print :X
2.Is it too formal ? It's a 18th birthday so formal is good but how formal is too formal ? I should really stop saying formal :))
3.What shoes to wear with it ? I have some really cute boots in a deep cream shade but are those too informal?
Do the styles clash ?
OH  and additional issues tights or just good old leg coloured (culoarea piciorului :)))) how the heck do you translate that into english without sounding retarded? ) ones?

Also accesories !I was thinking something like this maybe ?

Oh and hair and makeup wise I was thinking a retro kind of look :) Hair slightly up and full on liner and red lips or maybe a soft smokey eyes ?

Please post your comments below and help me decide :))
Thanks so much guys :*


8 comentarii:

  1. sweety dupa parerea mea cizmulitele iti taie din lungime si iti face picioarele sa para mai groase decat sunt. Mai bine ai opta la incaltaminte pt o pereche de wedges deschisi in fata, ca sa-ti alungeasca piciorul :) in rest, imi place:) poate as fi preferat lungimea un pic mai scurta dar merge si asa :)

  2. Subscriu la ce a spus Miuri!In rest arati foarte bine!

  3. rochitza si blazerul sunt foarte foarte dragute dar pantofii si gentuta nu mi se par din acelasi despre accesorii o bratara sau mai multe plus un inel big size ar da ff bine ...medalionul bufnita deja incarca ff mult. dar pana la urma conteaza mai mult cum te simti tu bine si confortabil

  4. trebuie scurtata pana la genunchi,parerea blazerul merge foarte bine. incaltamintea poate fi balerini,un pantofior cu toculet, wedges sandals sau chiar botine dar mai accesorii nu te teme,nusunt multe ,sa lua un clutch colorat,o nuanta puternica.pupici,esti frumoasa!

  5. Arati ft ft woman :D
    Cu siguranta as scurta rochitza si as opta ptr alta incaltaminte(de acord cu modniza)

  6. Si eu votez ca Modniza pt scurtarea rochitei, alti pantofi, inalti, cu platforma, ciorapi negri si un plic mai aprins, portocaliu poate?? :)In rest, you're ready to go :)

  7. Sweetie, eu as taia toata banda neagra din josul rochiei si mi-as asorta niste pantofi cu toc bej :) La accesorii, as opta pentru acel inel, insotit de cateva bratari metalice aurii. :*

  8. @everybody :

    thanks so much for your opinion

    o sa postez varianta modified maine:)) mi-am scurtat rochita and I got shoes:)
